Except for the legal person of International Union Construction Group investment subject, no other individual or institution has the right to sign the investment agreement with the project party on behalf of International Union Construction Group. International Union Construction Group does not charge any fees other than investment returns and management fees during the investment process.
International Union Construction Group gathers capital market forces to support the construction of a unified national market

On April 10, 2022, the Guideline on Accelerating the Construction of a unified National Market was officially released, which states that China will build a unified national market from the construction of infrastructure, market facilities and other aspects. This major measure will help further stimulate and cultivate the potential of the domestic market and consolidate the achievements of the smooth circulation of the domestic economic system. At the present stage, the construction of high-quality market needs a large number of market players with core competitiveness, innovation and development potential, so it is particularly important to fully stimulate the vitality of domestic high-quality enterprises. As a state-owned joint-stock investment group, International Union Construction Group provides all-round financial services to meet the development needs of enterprises, expand financing channels, release the potential of the domestic market, and support the national strategy of building a unified national market.

"Speed up the construction of the national unified big market opinion" clearly put forward, in the unity of the unified big market, is not uniform, but in the maintenance of national unity under the premise of big market, combining with the regional major strategy and the implementation of the strategy of regional harmonious development, priority in regional market integration, the International Union Construction Group operation development thought highly of. International Union Construction Group has five centers, namely strategic center (Beijing), the administrative center (shenzhen), financial centre (Hong Kong), information technology center (Shanghai) and operation (tianjin), which thus countries build ubs construction co., LTD., Shanghai hua make great contribution to the investment management co., LTD., tianjin subsidiary is responsible for the specific business such as investment management co., LTD. With the advantage of multi-center coordination, International Union Construction Group actively integrates into the economic circle of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Greater Bay Area, effectively promotes the common development of financial services among various regions, and thus provides strong support for the unified national market.

In order to adapt to the requirements of the new development stage, International Union Construction Group takes serving the national top-level strategy as the development concept of the group, and deeply cultivates the Chinese market through the two business segments of debt investment and equity investment. In the field of creditor's rights investment, International Union Construction Group focuses on debt reduction financing (DRF) asset management plan, and provides three implementation schemes of industrial fund, joint ABS and debt for equity (DES) according to the differences of enterprise operation mode and financing needs. In the field of equity investment, International Union Construction Group focuses on securities investment and industrial investment, and invests in domestic high-quality enterprises with high growth through equity to meet the equity financing needs of enterprises at all stages of development. At the present stage, International Union Construction Group focuses on investing in listed companies, domestic enterprises directly under the central government, local large state-owned enterprises, large private or joint-stock enterprises, leading the industry leading enterprises, orderly driving the coordinated development of the whole industry chain, promoting the smooth flow of production factors resources in a wider range, and getting through the blockage of the economic cycle.

Practice has proved that financial services should not only help enterprises to achieve short-term "emergency", but also take into account the long-term "upgrade". International Union Construction Group continues to increase its efforts to serve the real economy with both debt investment and equity investment, which is not only conducive to the high-quality development of domestic high-quality enterprises, but also to promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and to accumulate strength for the efficient, smooth and large-scale expansion of the domestic market. Only to establish efficient specification, fair competition, the national unified big market fully open, cultivate new advantages, participate in international competition cooperation can only be in the process of a new round of high levels of economic globalization, global resources used for the Chinese market, build up to the domestic large cycle as the main body, domestic and international new development pattern of two-cycle promote each other.