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We will strengthen our confidence in history and create historic undertakings

The sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is an important meeting held at a critical juncture in the history of the convergence of the "two centenary Goals" at an important moment of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Plenary session through "the central committee of the communist party of China about the party's one hundred major achievement and historical experience for the resolution of, is a glorious marxist programmatic document, is the new age people remember beginner's mind the mission of the communist party of China, adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics political declaration, is taking history as a mirror, create the future, the guide of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To study, understand and implement the spirit of this Plenary session is a major political task at present and for some time to come. How to comprehensively and systematically study and understand the rich connotation and core meaning of the Plenum spirit? This issue thought weekly revolves this one theme, roll out plan special edition, share with reader.

■ epic struggle in one hundred, the party unity led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in the draw on the vast land of 960 square kilometers is the human history the beauty of the spectacular picture scroll, the Chinese people enjoy unprecedented democracy, freedom and human rights, feel the unprecedented feeling, happiness, security, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation entered the irreversible historical process.

■ want to walk the line struggle continue to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, in order to maintain the green don't relax persistent struggle to achieve the goal of all-round construction of socialism modernization country, in the line of thyme half ninety awake unremittingly to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to ensure that in the new era of the new campaign to win more great victory and glory.

Passed by the party's sixth plenary of the 19 review in one hundred the central committee of the communist party of China about the party's major achievement and historical experience for the resolution of (hereinafter referred to as the "decision"), provides a whole one hundred years practice of the communist party of China seeks happiness for the people of China, for the beginner's mind seeks the revival of Chinese nation of mission struggle, sacrifice, and the creation, It highlights the great achievements of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core since the 18th CPC National Congress in ushering in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and profoundly reveals "why we were able to succeed in the past" and "how we can continue to succeed in the future." It is a marxist programmatic document. It is a political declaration for Chinese Communists in the new era to keep firmly in mind their original mission, uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a guide to action for taking history as a mirror, creating the future, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The convening of the plenary session and the adoption of the resolution will have a major and far-reaching impact on the efforts of the whole Party to unify its thinking, will, and actions, and to unite and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in better upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era.

We must firmly grasp the theme of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Over the past 100 years, the CPC has united and led the Chinese people in all their struggles, sacrifices, and creations, which can be summed up in one theme: realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From Shikumen to Tian 'anmen, from a small red ship to a giant one hundred years ago, the red flame has become a prairie fire on the road of revolution, construction and reform, lighting up the bright prospect of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The communist party of China since it was founded in 1921, and always seeks happiness for Chinese people, for the Chinese nation to revive the mission as a beginner's mind, always adhere to the communism ideal and the socialism faith, unity, led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to fight for national independence and liberation and realize national rich and strong (powerful), people's happiness and unremitting efforts, has been through one hundred years of glorious history. To one hundred, the great historical changes have taken place in the earth, came from the Chinese nation stand up strong, rich and up to the great leap forward, realizing the first goal, one hundred are so daring towards the grand goal to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to move forward, to show the world a thriving, progresses day by day of the weather. Especially since the eighteenth congress, the party central committee with comrade xi as the core is suggested, great, great cause great struggle, a great dream, solved many want to solve problems that not for a long time, we wanted to do a lot of the past without succeeds, promote the party and national business made historic achievements, historic changes. "Resolution" is a important contribution, according to the party and all the people of all nationalities together, establish the core of jinping comrades of the CPC Central Committee, the party's core position, establishing the new era xi guiding status of socialism with Chinese characteristics, will certainly to the new era, the party and national business development to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation history have a decisive significance. This is an important political and ideological guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and fully demonstrates the CPC's high awareness of observing the laws of party building and fulfilling its historical mission as a Marxist political party.

We must fully recognize the glorious course and great achievements of the Party's centennial struggle. Like a towering tree, the Party's century-long continuous struggle has opened the ring of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, moving from yesterday to today and from history to the future. Over the past 100 years, the Party has led the people in fighting bloody battles and unswervingly creating great achievements in the New-democratic revolution. We have created great achievements in socialist revolution and development through self-reliance and determination. We emancipated our minds, forged ahead with determination and made great achievements in reform, opening up and socialist modernization. We have made great achievements in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. From the devastated, to the rapid development of prosperity; From "steel production per capita is only enough to hit a sickle" to the establishment of the world's most complete industrial system; China's GDP rose from 67.91 billion yuan in 1952 to 101.6 trillion yuan in 2020, a real increase of about 189 times. Especially in the face of the sudden outbreak of COVID - 19, we use more than 1 months time preliminary control the spread of the momentum, in 2 months time to control the local daily new cases within single digits, in 3 months or so the decisive battle in wuhan, hubei defensive war results, first to control outbreaks in the whole world, the first to return to work and production, We took the lead in turning negative economic growth into positive growth. Epic struggle in one hundred, the party unity led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in the draw on the vast land of 960 square kilometers is the human history the beauty of the spectacular picture scroll, the Chinese people enjoy unprecedented democracy, freedom and human rights, feel the unprecedented feeling, happiness, security, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation entered the irreversible historical process.

We must deeply understand the historical significance of the Party's centennial struggle. The Party's centennial struggle embodies the great dedication and exploration of a Marxist ruling party, reflects the magnificent development and progress of a socialist country, and reflects the trials and awakening of an ancient and great nation. Since the date of birth is the "serving the people wholeheartedly" written on the flag of the communist party of China, unity led the people across the country through the arduous unremitting struggle, finally overthrew the three mountain and the Chinese people completely out of being bullied, the fate of the oppressed and enslaved, become a national, social, and master of his fate. Generations of the communist party of China people adhere to the basic principle of marxism combining with Chinese concrete practice, combining with Chinese excellent traditional culture, and constantly open up new realm of marxism, established MAO zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory, xi jinping, the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed the "three represents" the important thoughts, the concept of scientific development, It has provided scientific theoretical guidance for the cause of the Party and the people from victory to new victory. From the problem of adequate food and clothing to construction of the well-off society, built from a comprehensive well-off society to the construction of modern power, the party leads the people not only take decades to walk over hundreds of years in the developed countries through the process of industrialization, and to explore coordinated opens the material civilization and spiritual civilization, all the people common prosperity, harmonious coexistence between man and nature, the road of peaceful development of Chinese modernization, It has expanded the ways for developing countries to achieve modernization and contributed Chinese wisdom and solutions to solving human problems. Over the course of its century-long struggle, the Party led the people in not only making great achievements that will go down in history, but also forging a great Party-building spirit of upholding truth and ideals, fulfilling our founding aspiration, fulfilling our mission, fearlessly and bravely fighting, being loyal to the Party and not living up to the people. The 18th party congress in particular, the party central committee with comrade xi as the core to "offend the one thousand, not one billion four hundred million" the courage and resolve, adhere to the comprehensive governing party, the party to carry on the revolutionary forging, to revolutionary forces reshaping, opened up a revolution, make another great project of party's face unprecedented changes have taken place in the new era. The resolution comprehensively expounds the party's historic contribution to the Chinese people, to the Chinese nation, to Marxism, to the cause of human progress and to the building of a Marxist political party. The party's century-long struggle has fundamentally changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people, blazed the right path for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, demonstrated the great vitality of Marxism, profoundly influenced the course of world history, and forged the CPC as a leader of The Times.

We must always bear in mind the mission and tasks of the CPC in the new era. The resolution not only summarizes the past, but also looks to the future. It emphasizes that the CPC is committed to the great cause of the Chinese nation in the future, and the centennial is in its prime. At present, we are closer, more confident and capable than ever before to realizing the goal of national rejuvenation. On this new journey, the whole Party must be keenly aware that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will never come easily, and that predictable and unpredictable risks and challenges remain on the road ahead. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come. China remains the world's largest developing country. The principal contradiction facing society is that between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. All party members to keep in mind what is the communist party of China, to do the basic problem, grasp the trend of historical development, firm the ideal faith, keep in mind the mission, his mind is always modest and prudent, person, the arduous struggle, stimulate its power from the great victory, draw lessons from history, from detours setback not to fear any risk, not to confused by any interference, Never make subversive mistakes on fundamental issues. With indomitable struggle continue to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, in order to maintain the green don't relax persistent struggle to achieve the goal of all-round construction of socialism modernization country, in the line of thyme half ninety sober unremittingly to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to ensure that in the new era of the conquest of the new win more great victory and glory.

Source: Party construction network