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We should draw strength from the development of socialism

Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the latest continuation and development of scientific socialism in today's China. To uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we must step into the depths of history and draw strength from the past 500 years of socialism. Through the way back to the time, in the three historic leaps of socialism in the firm ideal and faith; Compare the way of others and draw profound lessons from the setbacks suffered by socialism; On the other hand, we should strengthen our confidence in the historic achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

1. Firming up ideals and convictions in the three historic leaps of socialism

Five hundred years of socialism witnessed three historic leaps. Socialism began with Thomas More's Utopia in 1516. For more than three hundred years socialism expanded in utopian form, reaching almost all of Europe and reaching as far as the Americas. Utopian socialism, though never able to get rid of its fundamental defects on some basic issues, also "breaks through the shell of fantasy everywhere to reveal the germ of genius and the ideas of genius", and even "genius foreshadows countless truths whose correctness we have now scientifically proved". Three hundred years after the evolution of utopian socialism, socialism ushered in its first leap, namely the great leap from utopian to scientific, which was marked by the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848. Based on historical materialism and surplus value theory of solid foundation, the declaration of the communist party system and thoroughly expounds the theory of communism, profoundly analyzes the social production and the contradiction between the production system of capitalist private possession, prove the communist replace the capitalist historical inevitability, illustrates the historical mission of the proletariat, Lenin called it "a book that every enlightened worker must read". Nearly 70 years after the communist Manifesto was published, scientific socialism remained at the theoretical level. Until 1917, the October Revolution exploded the weakest link in the chain of imperialism, creating the world's first socialist country, which marked the scientific socialism achieved a great leap from theory to practice, namely the second leap in the development history of socialism. After that, socialism went out of the Soviet Union and realized the third great leap from one country to many countries.

The three historical leaps of socialism show that the development of human society is a process of constantly understanding and grasping the laws of history, and a process of advancing from a kingdom of necessity to a kingdom of freedom. The three historic leaps of socialism show us that only socialism is the right path for the world. Although there will be setbacks and setbacks in the process of socialism's development, the historical trend of capitalism's inevitable demise and socialism's inevitable victory revealed by Marxism cannot be reversed. In the five hundred years since the founding of socialism, especially in the 170 years since 1848, the proletariat has shown a high degree of historical consciousness, clearly defined the direction in the historical trend, grasped the initiative, moved towards the future, and firmly grasped the historical initiative of the development of human society. It is the deepening of the understanding of the law of the development of human society and the belief in and adherence to the lofty ideal of communism that enabled socialism to achieve three historic leaps and scientific socialism to form a vast trend of development and show an irresistible trend of development. Socialism with Chinese characteristics originated in the five hundred years of socialism, and the five hundred years of socialism is its profound historical nourishment. Upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, the new era of more require the system to study the history of socialist, requiring more profound grasp the law of human history, of the three major historic leap of socialism in the deep thinking of profound grasp the theme of the development of the socialist development history and the main line, the mainstream and essence, deep understanding where socialism comes from, where to go. Go into the depths of history, constantly appreciate the significance of studying Marxist theory, feel the truth power of Marxism, and remain firm in our ideals and beliefs. We must stay true to history and our founding mission, know history, love the Party, love the country, and support socialism.

2. draw profound lessons from the setbacks suffered by socialism

Engels pointed out that "the so-called 'socialist society' is not an invariable thing, but should be regarded as a society of constant change and reform, like any other social system." However, the development of any thing is the unity of advance and zigzagging. The five hundred years of socialist development shows that the course of socialist "change and reform" is not as straight and flat as Neva Avenue, but with many twists and turns and valleys. The brilliant achievements of the Soviet Union's socialist construction have extensive and far-reaching influence both in the history of the development of socialism and in the whole world history. However, in the early 1990s, this superpower, which was once the only rival of the United States, collapsed and collapsed in the process of "humane" and "democratic" reform, in the absence of foreign invasion and major natural disasters.

History is the best sobriety. Xi Jinping once said, "Why did the Soviet Union collapse? Why did the Soviet Communist Party fall? An important reason is the total denial of The history of the Soviet Union, the history of the Soviet Communist Party, Lenin and Stalin, and the practice of historical nihilism. The disintegration of the Soviet Union has provided an important historical mirror for our current comprehensive deepening of reform. This historical lesson warns us that in carrying out reform, China must uphold the Party's leadership over all work, and constantly strengthen and improve its leadership. Leadership by the COMMUNIST Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Only by adhering to the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC and constantly improving it can we successfully tackle major risks and challenges, overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles in reform, and ensure that the ship of reform and opening up is forging ahead on the right course. This historical lesson reminds us that the direction determines the path, and the path determines the destiny. At present, China must stick to the right direction and path in comprehensively deepening reform. We must always keep in mind the teachings of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "When it comes to direction, we must be very clear-headed, constantly promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system, and unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics." We must keep in mind the lessons of history that reform is not a denial of the socialist system, but a self-improvement of the socialist system. What to change and how to change it must be consistent with improving and developing the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will resolutely reform what should and can be reformed, and resolutely not reform what should not be reformed and cannot be reformed. In deepening reform comprehensively, we should neither follow the old, closed and rigid path, nor follow the misguided path of abandoning the banner and becoming a school of socialism. We must unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This historical lesson also warns us that China must continue to uphold the guiding role of Marxism in comprehensively deepening reform at present. Deepening reform is always on the way, and there is no end to emancipating our minds. Only by integrating theory with practice can we clear away the fog of thinking that has plagued and constrained the development of practice, open up new horizons for the development of Marxism, and demonstrate the ideological strength and theoretical appeal of scientific socialism in answering the questions of The Times and the people.

3. Strengthening confidence in the Historic Achievements of socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Lenin pointed out, "All nations will move towards socialism, but all nations will not move in exactly the same way. It is the essential requirement of Marxism to go its own way and build socialism with national characteristics. For a long time, the CPC has combined the basic principles of scientific socialism with China's reality and the call of The Times, and successfully found a "path" that suits us -- socialism with Chinese characteristics. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the scientific socialism theory is the dialectical unification of logic and history of Chinese social development logic, is embedded in the earth, reflects the Chinese people's will, to adapt to China's development and progress requirements of scientific socialism, is to build a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization, the only way to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Driven by socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Face of the Chinese nation has undergone unprecedented changes, and the Chinese nation is standing tall in the East with a brand new posture. Driven by socialism with Chinese characteristics, we are closer than ever before to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, closer than ever before to the lofty ideal of communism, and more confident and capable of realizing this goal and ideal than ever before in history.

From the beginning of the new period to the beginning of the new century, from standing at a new starting point to entering a new era, socialism with Chinese characteristics has constantly broken new ground in its development. As Xi Jinping pointed out in his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, "After years of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. This is a new historic juncture in China's development." Socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era in the history of the Chinese nation, the world history of socialism, are of great significance to the history of human society are: means in modern times and tribulations came from the Chinese nation stood up, rich to strong rise of the great leap, ushered in the achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's bright prospect; It means that scientific socialism is full of vigor and vitality in 21st century China, and that the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics is now held high in the world. Means that the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theory, system and culture development, expand the way of developing countries towards modernization, to the world those who hope to speed up the development and want to keep their independence of national and ethnic provides a new choice, to solve the problem of human, especially for the current fight "epidemic" contribution to the Chinese wisdom and struggle.

History and reality have proved and will continue to prove that only socialism can save China and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China. This is the conclusion of history and the choice of the people. In today's China, adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics means adhering to and developing scientific socialism. To uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we need to have strong confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Only by doing so can we truly achieve the goal of "overcoming hardships and overcoming hardships" and open up new prospects for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Source: Party construction network