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Promote high-quality development of State-Owned enterprises with digital thinking

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to seize the new opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The sound development of the digital economy is conducive to building a new development pattern, a modernized economic system and a new national competitive edge. As the backbone of national economic development, state-owned enterprises should contribute their own strength in the development of digital economy.

We will strengthen guidance in party building in state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises not only have the inherent demand of creating economic profits, but also need to undertake the important task of consolidating the ruling foundation of the Party, so as to achieve the organic unity of improving the economic benefits, social benefits and risk prevention and control level of enterprises. The establishment of digital thinking in state-owned enterprises is not only the need of enterprise economic development, but also the realistic need of maintaining public ownership. However, due to the wide range of involvement, slow effect and large capital investment, it is difficult for enterprises to do this only by relying on a certain department. Therefore, the Party organization needs to play its function of overall control and coordination of all parties. The party organization of state-owned enterprises plays an important role in digitization construction of enterprises, such as "direction", "consensus", "problem solving" and "development promotion". In order to truly realize the high quality development of state-owned enterprises, the party organizations of state-owned enterprises need to make four changes: first, the transformation from management to service. To uphold the overall leadership of the Party, the construction of party organizations should be committed to satisfying the reasonable demands of stakeholders as much as possible, and strengthening the relationship between the Party and the masses and cadres and masses through diversified services. Second, layer - type to network - type transformation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "there is no cyber security, there is no national security, there is no informatization, there is no modernization". Enterprise digital construction cannot leave the vast amounts of information and complete network system, and this kind of network system will also help the enterprise organizational structure from the original vertical hierarchical system to develop in the direction of simulated market network flat, state-owned enterprises to adapt to the networked organization structure of enterprise, to network management new ideas actively explore the establishment of a new party-masses work mode. Third, closed to open transformation. Along with the continuously go deep into digital construction, various new ideas appear constantly, knowledge update speed, which requires the enterprise workers between the notion of an open, timely grasp the worker thought the latest changes in the dynamic and international situation, strengthen the ideological and political guidance, lead and thought to enhance the party-masses work pointedly. Fourth, extensive to fine transformation. In the process of party organization construction in state-owned enterprises, party and mass workers should timely examine and reflect on the management model, firmly grasp the "people", "ideas" and "digital technology", work hard, make an article, and grasp the implementation of lean tools and methods, work hard, seek improvement, and seek actual results.

Cultivating talents for independent innovation in digital technology. Nowadays, with the rapid development of China's digital economy, there is a big gap in talents related to digital technology. In the face of such challenges, state-owned enterprises must unite their understanding and action through excellent corporate culture to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of digital technology innovation talents within the enterprise, so as to enhance the innovation ability and core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises. By establishing a good talent training mechanism, use mechanism, incentive mechanism and competition mechanism, we can not only train high-quality professional cadre team, but also train innovative digital technology talent team, providing talent support for the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises. In view of the shortage of digital technical personnel, state-owned enterprises can solve the problem through three ways: one is to seek professional personnel support from the state. By inviting the state to set up an expert group of digital technology to visit enterprises for on-site inspection of reform work and providing remote guidance by digital technology experts, intellectual support for high-quality development will be provided. Second, cooperation with universities. Through the establishment of enterprise base classes and other forms, the implementation of "order-type" talent training, to meet the needs of enterprise digital talents. Third, strengthen the training of existing digital talents in enterprises to meet the needs of digital development in the new stage. By promoting internal and external knowledge transfer, strengthening information team construction, forming a three-level operation system of "key users -- internal consultants -- external consultants".

We will strengthen the development of digital infrastructure in State-Owned enterprises. To shift from "asset-driven" to "data-driven", it is necessary to improve digital infrastructure, organically coupled with traditional resources, and realize the interconnection of data production, storage, sharing, and analysis within the enterprise resource architecture. Set up digital thinking, need to build in accordance with the characteristics and development of state-owned enterprises need "data China" "business China" and other brand new IT structure model, agile and efficient new digital information technology infrastructure for security, establish a digital information technology can assign a platform of state-owned enterprises and inspire new kinetic data elements and make data productivity. To this end, state-owned enterprises need to do the following three points to build digital infrastructure: First, enhance the understanding of the importance of digital infrastructure construction. For State-Owned enterprises, accelerating the construction of digital infrastructure can, on the one hand, promote technological transformation and equipment renewal, and provide strong support for the transformation of old and new driving forces. On the other hand, it can promote the rapid iteration of application scenarios and business models such as intelligent transportation, smart city, intelligent manufacturing and smart energy, and form a new economic growth point for a new round of investment expansion. Second, define the main tasks of digital infrastructure construction. Digital infrastructure construction covers sensor terminals, 5G networks, big data centers and the industrial Internet, as well as the digital, networked and intelligent upgrading of traditional infrastructure such as transportation, energy, ecology and industry by using next-generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, edge computing and artificial intelligence. Third, increase human, financial and material support for digital infrastructure construction. Digital infrastructure construction is a systematic project, requiring state-owned enterprises to strengthen human, financial and material investment through multiple measures, or to introduce third-party channels for joint technology development and facility construction.

We will improve the soE governance system. The penetration of digitalization into all levels of state-owned enterprises forces enterprises to transform, and demands the reconstruction of internal production, operation and management mechanism of enterprises are becoming more and more urgent. Sasac also mentioned in the Notice on Accelerating the Digital Transformation of State-owned Enterprises that digital transformation is not only a master project, but also an innovation activity involving all staff and factors. It is necessary to fully stimulate the innovation vitality of grassroots, create an atmosphere of being brave, happy and good at digital transformation, and strengthen the next and next chess game. It can be said that the establishment of digital thinking requires the transformation of all employees in an enterprise, involving cross-organization and cross-department cooperation, so comprehensive consideration should be given. Specifically, state-owned enterprises need to build a "four-in-one" governance system: one is to promote the company system shareholding reform. According to the development goal of digital construction, state-owned enterprises should clarify their development ideas, construct a scientific management system, and guarantee the benefits of digital technical talents. Second, improve the corporate governance structure. State-owned enterprises should standardize the construction of the board of directors, effectively implement the functions and powers of the board of directors, reform the management system of external directors, and strictly manage the selection and appointment of directors and performance of duties, so as to make the board of directors truly become the decision-making body of enterprises, so as to speak for digital technology talents and enhance their voice and influence. Third, classified and stratified management of digital technology leaders of state-owned enterprises. According to different types and levels of State-Owned enterprises, various flexible ways can be adopted to promote and appoint digital technology leaders of state-owned enterprises, such as appointment system, appointment system, appointment system, etc., but they must pass strict assessment. Fourth, we will improve the salary distribution system for soes. Whether state-owned enterprises can establish a salary distribution system in line with the economic law and the law of digital technology personnel training is related to the vital interests and potential of employees, related to the compensation incentive function in place and the implementation of the strategy of "talent to strengthen the enterprise", related to the long-term development of enterprises and the stability of people. To this end, state-owned enterprises must establish and perfect to encourage labor and enhance the creative vitality of digital technology talents for the purpose of reflecting efficiency, promote fair salary system.

Source: State-owned Assets And Administration Commission of The State Council